Introduction to JavaScript

Hey there, I am a newbie in learning JavaScript.this article will serve as a guide for newbies like me in learning JavaScript. It will introduce the basics of JavaScript in a way that is easy for newbies to understand. It will cover what JavaScript is, how it is used, and basic syntax to get you started.


JavaScript is an object-oriented scripting language created to make webpages more dynamic. i.e It makes the webpage more alive with things like animation, popup alerts etc. It can be used to create interactive websites and web applications.

JavaScript is most times used along with HTML and CSS to create web pages. HTML gives the structure of the page, CSS provides the styling, and JavaScript provides the interaction.

Javascript programs are called scripts. These Scripts are written in the webpage's HTML and run automatically as the page loads.

Javascript can be executed on any device that has "the JavaScript engine".

Most browsers we use today have a “JavaScript virtual machine”.

  • In Opera, Edge and Chrome, it is known as V8.

  • It is known as SpiderMonkey in Firefox.


JavaScript can be used for many tasks on a website, from simple things like validating a form to complex tasks like creating an entire web application.

Some common uses of JavaScript:

  • It can be used to check user input, ensuring they entered the correct information in a form before submitting it.

  • It can be used to update content on a web page dynamically without reloading the entire page.

  • It can also be used to create interactive elements on a web page, such as dropdown menus or tooltips.

  • JavaScript can be used to create entire web applications.

The <Script>tag

In this section, we will talk about the "The <script> tag".

You can insert JavaScript code in your HTML document using the <script> tag

alert('Hello, World!');

Where do we place The <script> tag?

The <script> tag can be placed in the<head> or the<body> section of an HTML document.

The <head> section

The <script>Tag can be placed in the <head> section of an HTML document.

<!DOCTYPE html>
alert('Hello, World!');
<h2>JavaScript in Head</h2>

The <body> section.

The <script>Tag can also be placed in the <body> section of an HTML document.

<!DOCTYPE html>
alert('Hello, World!');

External Script.

You can also save your JavaScript code in an external file using the .js extension (I prefer this method).

Then link it to the HTML document using the src attribute:

<script src="script.js"></script>


In conclusion, JavaScript is an important programming language used for web development that allows developers to create dynamic and interactive content on web pages.

The first step in learning JavaScript is to learn the basics of JavaScript syntax and functionality.